國民大會:閃電結婚難白頭?(1/5) 20090619 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmlvEcwpHls At 3:33/7:23 "Wang.Job.Job.10.1.Yuan"That sucking "Wang.Job.Job" should be kil 汽車美容led immediately for the crime she dare shamelessly cold cold hard eaten your tax payers 洗車 public fund. If she cares her "1.Yuan" Job more than her own son, she deserves to be killed, if she c 鍍膜are her own son more than her "1.Yuan" duty, she must be killed immediately, not mention any married "Boot.Ann.Yu.10" (You 翻譯社 Taiwanese needs to be alerted, DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY FEMALE, NO MATTER SHE'S "GWALL.MEAN.DOWN" OR "MEAN.JEAN.DOWN", NO MATTER SHE'S BLUE OR 建築設計 GREEN OR BLACK OR BROWN OR WHITE OR YELLOW; "if you dare vote for any "Boot.Ann.Yu.10" woman, you must ready for your own "Job.Pour.Ren.Want" miserable ahead, not 酒店打工 mention to vote for any "Boot.Ann.Yu.10" mom.) woman must be killed immediately, not mention any "Boot.Ann.Yu.10" mom must be killed immediately. "Boot.Ann.Yu.10" wife has no righ 褐藻醣膠t to expect any love; "Boot.Ann.Yu.10" mom has no right to demand any care. ---------------------------------------------------------------------國民大會:閃電結婚難白頭?(2/5) 20090619http://www.yo 景觀設計utube.com/watch?v=MH3i9q5cpzs&feature=related At 3:45-3:46/6:52 "女人.Dow.了.When.Inn.Yo.Way.G.The.10.Hole" "Wheel.B.Jaw.Lead.Zhi.跟.Gun.Chin.Wheel.Yo.Dyan.錯亂" That how even man must have to score "Show.Sheng. 7.Job" points 土地買賣 first, before he can have that shameless show up to run for any public stand, not mention woman is second to man.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 太平洋房屋  .

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